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  • Writer's pictureAnne-Laure Sauvadet

"I feel stuck": Free Yourself from Pressure and Find Your Momentum 🌟

At the beginning of 2024, I wish you above all a bright year, full of joy, abundance, and serenity. January is often the month of new resolutions and high expectations, but it can also bring a certain pressure to make immediate changes. Sometimes, this pressure can make you feel stuck, unable to move forward. 😓

The Pressure to Achieve: A Challenge to Overcome

You might have a goal in mind, but instead of feeling inspired and motivated, you feel overwhelmed. This is something I often hear in sessions: "I feel stuck" and kinesiology can help you. This holistic approach allows you to understand the source of this pressure, release the emotions holding you back, and provide you with the tools to regain your momentum. Enthusiasm is the key 🚀

Understanding the Source of Your Pressure

The pressure you feel can be caused by various factors. It can be related to external expectations, comparisons with others, your upbringing, or past events. By exploring these sources of pressure, you can start to release them. 🧘‍♂️

Establishing Communication with Your Body

Muscle testing, an essential technique in kinesiology, enables you to have a dialogue with your own body. It helps you understand the emotions that are at the root of your pressure and release them, allowing you to regain greater mental clarity. 🤝

Rediscovering Your Momentum and Serenity

Kinesiology also offers techniques to reconnect with your natural momentum, regain serenity, and approach changes at your own pace. I've also written an article on time constraints if you'd like to delve deeper into the subject 🌱

Start the Year by Liberating Yourself from the Pressure

Don't hesitate to contact me to learn more about how I can assist you in starting the year gently, allowing you to make informed decisions without feeling stuck. 🌈

📞 603-047-802

📍 Kinesiologist, emotional liberation, Barcelona

JJanuary is often the month of new resolutions and high expectations, but it can also bring a certain pressure to make immediate changes. Sometimes, this pressure can make you feel stuck, unable to move forward. 😓
"I feel stuck": Free Yourself from Pressure and Find Your Momentum 🌟

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